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Using the Climate Ready Places tool in a workshop

Aberdeen Adapts is a framework for city-wide working on climate adaptation. The framework incorporates the views of local organisations and communities and sets the direction to build long-term city resilience. Aberdeen Adapts acknowledges that the key to adaptation for the city is to collaborate, share experiences, build knowledge and understanding and work together to develop solutions.

41 local public bodies, businesses and communities participated in the development of the original Aberdeen Adapts framework, which was published in 2019. It was then refreshed in 2022 to align with the Net Zero Aberdeen Routemap and to take on board new information, policy drivers and climate risks.

The Aberdeen Climate and Nature Pledge has been created as commitment by the organisations and people of the City of Aberdeen to act within their own organisations and lives to contribute towards both the Net Zero Aberdeen Route map and Aberdeen Adapts framework.

Find out more

The Adaptation Scotland programme has supported Aberdeen Adapts by:


  • Supporting the initial development of Aberdeen Adapts starting in 2016, following a competitive application process led by Aberdeen City Council and the University of Aberdeen
  • Using a Local Climate Impacts Profile to help Aberdeen City Council to assess it’s vulnerability to climate change. Download the case study.
  • Helping to engage local communities with the development of the framework through a series of workshops in 2017, including using the Climate Ready Places lesson plans with schools across the city.
  • Working with Aberdeen City Council, Creative Carbon Scotland, and Robert Gordon University to create a mini arts festival in Middlefield focused on involving communities in the story of our changing climate. Watch the video below to find out more about this project
Aberdeen Adapts video thumbnail

Arts and climate adaptation – engaging communities in the Aberdeen Adapts project