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Skye Bridge

Tuesday 25 February 2025, 10 am – 3.15 pm, Edinburgh Climate Change Institute and online

The 3rd Scottish National Adaptation Plan has set an ambition to extend mature regional collaborations on adaptation to all of Scotland by 2029. The Scottish Government will be starting work with local government partners in 2025 to develop a route map to achieving this ambition. Join the Adaptation Scotland programme alongside current and prospective regional partnerships from across the country to reflect on the success of collaborations to date, to share learning and innovation, and to identify shared challenges and opportunities ahead.

About the event

This event aims:

This free event is for any public, private or third sector organisations currently, or seeking to work collaboratively to build climate resilience at a regional scale across Scotland including local authorities, NGOs, businesses, government agencies, infrastructure operators, researchers and government.

The event will be fully hybrid, at ECCI in Edinburgh and online, and will include a mix of presentations and interactive discussions. See the Eventbrite page for the full programme and latest details, or contact Ben Connor, Head of Climate Ready Placemaking, Verture, with any questions about the event.

Register now
Climate Ready South East Scotland logo

Climate Ready South East Scotland is a new project to support collaborative climate action in the Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region. The project is being led by Verture, working in partnership with the region’s six local authorities: City of Edinburgh, East Lothian, Fife, Midlothian, Scottish Borders and West Lothian.

Between November 2023 and March 2025, Climate Ready South East Scotland will carry out a detailed assessment of the climate risks and opportunities faced by the region. This assessment will both draw on the best available scientific evidence, and work with communities across the region to gather and share their experiences of climate change. The assessment will inform decision-making across the region, laying the foundation for collaborative climate adaptation action

Climate Ready South East Scotland will:

The project is being delivered as part of the Regional Prosperity Framework, with support from Capital City Partnership. It is funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and Scottish Government.

Find out more

Adaptation Scotland has supported Climate Ready South East Scotland by:

  • Working with local authorities and other stakeholders to develop the business case and secure funding for the project
  • Co-designing the scope for the regional climate risk and opportunity assessment