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Aberdeenshire Beach

Climate Ready Aberdeenshire (CRA) is a voluntary cross-sector network to create and coordinate Aberdeenshire’s climate change adaptation and mitigation strategy. It brings together the views and expertise of a range of stakeholders from public, private, and third sector organisations, to set out how they can work collaboratively to meet the challenges of a changing climate in Aberdeenshire.

In 2022, CRA published its Regional Strategy for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation.

CRA’s objectives are:

The CRA network includes: Aberdeenshire Council, Cairngorms National Park Authority, Historic Environment Scotland, NatureScot, NESCAN, Nestrans, NHS Grampian, Offshore Energies UK, Scottish Water, SEPA, The Barn Arts, James Hutton Institute, University of Aberdeen and Visit Aberdeenshire.

Find out more

The Adaptation Scotland programme has supported Climate Ready Aberdeenshire by:


  • Helping Aberdeenshire Council to use the Adaptation Capability Framework to guide the development of the CRA Strategy