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Stakeholder and Power Mapping

12th September, 2024

Screenshot of a template for undertaking a stakeholder power mapping excercise using Miro

Workshop Outline and Template

Working together for systems change

A tool to help you understand who is important to involve in planning and delivering local climate resilience and adaptation actions. Places, communities, and organisations cannot adapt in isolation; it requires the involvement of different individuals and institutions, bringing them on board and influencing decision making. Building climate resilience is a process that needs collaboration at different scales, so it is useful to map out who needs to be involved. This can help:

  • Identify potential stakeholders (groups, networks, projects, underrepresented groups) to involve
  • ‘Power map’ stakeholders (identify their levels of knowledge/influence) and the links between them.
  • Prioritise those groups or networks that could potentially have the greatest reach, or that are particularly important to involve

The tool is for anyone who is beginning to work on climate change adaptation in their place and wants to understand who they should involve. This tool will also be helpful for groups that have been engaged in local climate action and want to re-evaluate who they are engaging with.