Tuesday 25 February 2025, 10 am – 3.15 pm, Edinburgh Climate Change Institute and online
The 3rd Scottish National Adaptation Plan has set an ambition to extend mature regional collaborations on adaptation to all of Scotland by 2029. The Scottish Government will be starting work with local government partners in 2025 to develop a route map to achieving this ambition. Join the Adaptation Scotland programme alongside current and prospective regional partnerships from across the country to reflect on the success of collaborations to date, to share learning and innovation, and to identify shared challenges and opportunities ahead.
About the event
This event aims:
- To enable established, emerging and potential regional climate adaptation partnerships to raise the profile of their work, and to share learning and innovation from across Scotland and beyond
- To co-design the Adaptation Scotland programme’s approach and priorities for supporting, extending and strengthening regional collaborations and partnerships over the next two years
- To inform the Scottish Government’s approach to working with local government partners and others to develop a routemap by 2025 for extending mature regional adaptation collaborations to all of Scotland by 2029
This free event is for any public, private or third sector organisations currently, or seeking to work collaboratively to build climate resilience at a regional scale across Scotland including local authorities, NGOs, businesses, government agencies, infrastructure operators, researchers and government.
The event will be fully hybrid, at ECCI in Edinburgh and online, and will include a mix of presentations and interactive discussions. See the Eventbrite page for the full programme and latest details, or contact Ben Connor, Head of Climate Ready Placemaking, Verture, with any questions about the event.
Register now
PSCAN members at their latest in person gathering in autumn 2024
We are delighted to announce that the Adaptation Scotland programme’s Public Sector Climate Adaptation Network (PSCAN) has reached an impressive milestone, now representing 65 member organisations, including 27 local authorities. This means PSCAN now encompasses over one-third of Scotland’s public sector.
The newest members to join this network are:
- Cairngorms National Park
- Clackmannanshire Council
- Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar
- Glasgow Kelvin College
- Heriot-Watt University
- Midlothian Council
- National Libraries of Scotland
- National Records of Scotland
- NHS Assure
- NHS Fife
- Orkney Islands Council
- Scotland Excel
- The Scottish Government
- University of Aberdeen
New members join a growing community of practitioners who are leading, or closely involved with implementing climate adaptation work within public sector organisations. Members benefit from:
- Peer-to-peer networking and support.
- Training and skills development opportunities.
- Resources and guidance, including the Adaptation Capability Framework – a common approach for public bodies to respond to climate impacts and develop their capabilities to adapt to new risks.
Since its inception in 2019, PSCAN has become a leading example of how collaboration and learning exchanges can accelerate adaptation ambition and drive meaningful action.
Nick Blyth, Climate Change Strategy Officer, Orkney Islands Council, who joined the network this month, reflects on the Council’s increased consideration of climate change risks and impacts in future service delivery:
“Orkney Islands Council are delighted to join Adaptation Scotland’s Public Sector Network. Our infrastructure and service planning, already includes a range of safety and resilience work to support communities. In planning future services, the Council will increasingly take account of climate related risks and impacts (sea level rise, warmer summers, increased rainfall and weather events). We are excited to join this important network to build our own capacity and to share leading-edge knowledge and practical action for addressing the impacts of our changing climate.”
The network’s diverse membership includes local authorities, infrastructure operators, cultural and heritage organisations, health services, land managers, and universities and colleges.
Heriot-Watt University also join the Network this year, with Deputy Principal for Global Sustainability, Professor Mercedes Maroto-Valer highlighting the importance of adaptation actions alongside the University’s carbon reduction targets.
“Joining PSCAN reinforces our University’s commitment to sustainability. Our Climate Action Framework outlines our ambitious carbon reduction targets and empowers our communities across our global campuses to greener living through a combination of mitigation and adaptation measures. We recognise PSCAN’s dedication to researching best practices, and membership would provide invaluable access to this expert knowledge, enhancing our adaptation strategies and fostering collaboration with local authorities. We look forward to building valuable partnerships with PSCAN members.”
With the publication of Scotland’s National Adaptation Plan (SNAP3) in September 2024, there is a clear role for a collaborative public sector to lead on, and support action towards a climate resilient Scotland. Launching the plan at a visit to the Restoring the River Leven project, First Minister John Swinney said:
“While we must ensure Scotland continues to play its part in addressing the causes of climate change, we must also be ready to deal with the impacts that are already locked in giving us wetter winters, drier summers and more weather-related disruption. Our new Adaptation Plan is our most comprehensive response to protecting people’s lives and livelihoods against the risks of climate change – with over 200 actions to build climate resilience in our communities, businesses, public services and natural environment.”

PSCAN members collaborating at the September meeting

PSCAN members gather at Edinburgh Climate Change Institute, September 2024. Photography: Andrew Perry.
The Adaptation Scotland programme’s Public Sector Climate Adaptation Network (PSCAN) met at Edinburgh Climate Change Institute on Wednesday 25th September, during Scotland’s Climate Week, for the network’s bi-annual meeting.
The PSCAN is a group of adaptation practitioners representing public sector organisations in Scotland. Since 2019, the network has provided opportunity for knowledge exchange and peer-peer support on climate change adaptation. The Network is part of the Adaptation Scotland programme, which is funded by the Scottish Government and delivered by Scottish charity Verture.
Taking place on the same day as the launch of SNAP3 – Scotland’s National Adaptation Plan – the event reiterated the crucial role of the public sector in responding to climate change impacts, understanding climate risk and vulnerability, and optimising co-benefits of adaptation action.
The agenda included sessions on a range of topics:
- Updates from the Scottish Government
- Developing the business case for adaptation
- Adaptation Capability Framework workshop
- Climate Adaptation and Health
- Accessing climate information

Over 80 participants took part, online and in-person. The Adaptation Scotland programme team at Verture would like to extend our gratitude to contributors including; Ian Freeman (The Scottish Government), Kit England (Paul Watkiss Associates), Joanna Teuton, Michelle Gillies and Theresa Glasgow (Public Health Scotland) and Victoria Ramsey (Met Office), as well as member organisations who contributed to discussion through the day. Organisations interested in joining the network are invited to express interest by 25th October 2024.

PSCAN members gather at Edinburgh Climate Change Institute, September 2024. Photography: Andrew Perry.
The Adaptation Scotland programme is excited to announce the opportunity for public body organisations to join The Public Sector Climate Adaptation Network (PSCAN). PSCAN is comprised of public bodies who work together to share learning and demonstrate leadership to progress action on climate change adaptation.
The group was established in June 2019 and includes 50 major organisations including local authorities, infrastructure operators, universities and national public bodies.
We are now offering the opportunity for a further 10 organisations to join the Network in October 2024.
Who can join the Public Sector Climate Adaptation Network?
The Public Sector Climate Adaptation Network is open to practitioners who are leading, or closely involved with implementing adaptation work within public sector organisations.
What will participants gain from being involved in the group?
Participants benefit from:
- Advice and support on how to use the Adaptation Capability Framework and Benchmarking Tool
- Space to reflect on learning and share experience with others
- Opportunities to network and receive support from peers
- Training and skills development covering topics such as risk assessment, public engagement and project planning

What level of commitment is expected from members?
Members are expected to:
- Commit to benchmarking adaptation progress of their organisation using the Adaptation Capability Framework Benchmarking Tool
- Participate in at least two in-person/hybrid events per year. These events provide training and support to progress adaptation work and are designed in collaboration with the Network.
- Actively contribute to the activities of the Network
- Optional: Take part in monthly one hour Drop-In sessions to share experience and learning, and join Task and Finish groups to progress action on key topics and tools.
How can I get involved?
To apply to join the Public Sector Climate Adaptation Network, please email the Adaptation Scotland programme team at Verture to express your interest by Friday 25th October 2024 with details of:
- Your name, role and organisation
- Confirmation that you are able to meet the commitments asked of Network members
- A couple of sentences setting out how you hope to benefit from and contribute to the Network
Please note that places are limited to 10 new organisations to join the Network at this time. If demand exceeds available places, the Adaptation Scotland programme will prioritise allocations to ensure a wide variety public sector organisations and locations are represented.
New members will be invited to an introductory session to take place online in early November.
If you have any questions, or would like to have an informal chat about the Network, please email the Adaptation Scotland programme team at Verture.

Scotland’s Climate Week kicks off today, Monday 23rd September. This annual event is a celebration of the positive action people are taking across Scotland to lower our climate emissions, and increase our resilience to climate impacts.
Stories for Change
This year’s theme is “Stories for Change” which aims to encourage individuals, communities, and organisations to share their personal experiences and actions of what they’re doing to adapt to and combat climate change. Sharing stories is a powerful tool for connecting people and inspiring this necessary collective action. By sharing our journey and solutions on social media using #ScotClimateWeek, we can help others understand the impact of climate change and motivate them to take action.
If you’re feeling inspired by the #StoriesForChange being shared, we’ll be posting lots of ways you can help tackle climate change through the Adaptation Scotland programme’s activities and partners.
Get involved
Wondering how to get involved? The Scottish Government has provided free resources to help you get started. Visit the Net Zero Nation website to access the free toolkit.
Throught the week, the Adaptation Scotland programme is running a series of events, including:
- Training for business advisors at Scottish Enterprise and South of Scotland Enterprise
- Our bi-annual Public Sector Climate Adaptation Network event
- Sharing the new Highland Adapts Economic Assessment of Climate Change Impacts
- Launching our new business resilience tools and case studies
- And much more!

Members of the Network
The Adaptation Scotland Public Sector Climate Adaptation Network (PSCAN) Autumn meeting will take place on Wednesday 25th September at the Edinburgh Climate Change Institute. This will be a hybrid event, with in-person and online joining options available for members – when you register please select the option most suitable for you.
On the agenda
- Updates from the Scottish Government about the forthcoming third Scottish National Adaptation Plan (SNAP3)
- Skills for developing the business case for adaptation
- Adaptation Capability Framework future development workshop
- Climate Adaptation and Health
- Accessing and using climate information with the Met Office’s new Local Authority Climate Information Service
Please note, this event is for PSCAN members only. To find out more about the Adaptation Scotland Public Sector Climate Adaptation Network, and how your organisation can join, read more here.
Lunch will be provided for those joining in person, please indicate any dietary requirements when registering your attendance.
Please register via Eventbrite for the event.
We want to maximise your ability to participate. Please let us know of any accessibility needs or assistance you may require. You can contact [email protected] to discuss any adjustments we can put in place.

Highland Adapts brings communities, businesses, land managers and public sector together to facilitate transformational action towards a prosperous, climate-ready Highland.
The Highland Adapts partnership was formally established in 2021 when nine founding partner organisations committed to working together: Forestry and Land Scotland, NHS Highland, The Highland Council, Highlands and Islands Enterprise, Changeworks, Verture, NatureScot, Highlands and Islands Climate Hub, Zero Waste Scotland.
These organisations agreed to distribute power throughout the partnership, recognising that diverse partners should be involved in Highland Adapts. Knowledge sharing and collaboration are key to everything that Highland Adapts does.
The objectives of Highland Adapts are to:
- develop a strong knowledge and evidence base, setting out the climate risks and opportunities that will affect the region
- facilitate information sharing through a range of resources
- identify opportunities to reduce and overcome these climate risks
- develop a shared adaptation strategy and suite of action plans
- support others to use plans to form the basis of projects and activities across the public sector, community, land management and business sector plans, strategies and investments
- support the public sector to embed climate change adaptation throughout their business
- support community climate change action
Highland Adapts is currently developing the first regional climate change risk and opportunity assessment for Highland, and has recently published a pioneering Economic Assessment of Climate Change Impacts.
Find out moreAdaptation Scotland has supported Highland Adapts by:
- Supporting the development of the initial business case for the partnership
- Helping to establish the partnership, and supporting the design of the unique governance and operational model
- Participating in the Highland Adapts programme board
- Part-funding and commissioning the Highland Economic Assessment of Climate Change Impacts

Climate Ready South East Scotland is a new project to support collaborative climate action in the Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region. The project is being led by Verture, working in partnership with the region’s six local authorities: City of Edinburgh, East Lothian, Fife, Midlothian, Scottish Borders and West Lothian.
Between November 2023 and March 2025, Climate Ready South East Scotland will carry out a detailed assessment of the climate risks and opportunities faced by the region. This assessment will both draw on the best available scientific evidence, and work with communities across the region to gather and share their experiences of climate change. The assessment will inform decision-making across the region, laying the foundation for collaborative climate adaptation action
Climate Ready South East Scotland will:
- Identify and prioritise the risks and opportunities from climate change to Edinburgh and South East Scotland’s society, economy and environment between now and 2080.
- Lay the foundation for a transformational approach to climate adaptation and resilience for the city region.
- Support a Just Transition to a net zero and climate resilient economy, in a way that delivers fairness and tackles inequality and injustice.
The project is being delivered as part of the Regional Prosperity Framework, with support from Capital City Partnership. It is funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and Scottish Government.
Find out moreAdaptation Scotland has supported Climate Ready South East Scotland by:
- Working with local authorities and other stakeholders to develop the business case and secure funding for the project
- Co-designing the scope for the regional climate risk and opportunity assessment

Dundee Waterfront SuDS
The Adaptation Scotland programme is supporting partners within Tayside (Dundee, Angus and Perth and Kinross) to develop a new regional adaptation partnership to address climate risks at a regional scale.
The Climate Ready Tayside partnership is at a very early stage in its development and are currently undertaking stakeholder engagement activities to involve a wide range of people and organisations across the region in defining a shared vision and priorities for the new partnership.
Over the course of this year, the partnership aims to have a shared vision and approach to collaborative working that will support a business case to secure long term funding and support for adaptation action in Tayside.
Project aims
- Undertaking stakeholder mapping and engagement work to create a joint Vision of what an Adaptation Partnership in Tayside would be
- Developing a business case for an Adaptation Partnership to assist in securing long term support and financing for the implementation of adaptation action in the region
- Developing shared plans for communications, branding and messaging for the region
- Exploring mechanisms to improve data sharing and decision making across the region, including longer term Governance structures for a Partnership.

Climate Ready Clyde is a leading cross-sector initiative funded by 12 member organisations and supported by the Scottish Government, to create and deliver a shared vision, strategy and action plan for an adapting Glasgow City Region. The initiative is the most established regional climate adaptation partnership in Scotland, and was initiated through the Adaptation Scotland programme in 2011.
In 2021 Climate Ready Clyde published the Glasgow City Region Climate Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan. This offers a blueprint to guide the way to a region that can thrive in our future climate. The Strategy and Action Plan is recognised as leading example in Scotland and in Europe. It sets out an ambitious shared vision and takes a transformative, whole-systems approach to climate adaptation, with an emphasis on fairness and ‘just resilience’.
The Strategy includes eleven strategic interventions that form a statement of ambition for the next decade, and sixteen Flagship Actions to accelerate progress by 2025. It is informed by a comprehensive Climate Risk and Opportunity Assessment, and by the Clyde Rebuilt project.
Verture provides the technical secretariat for Climate Ready Clyde, acting as a catalyst to create the enabling environment for transformative adaptation. The current members of the partnership are: East Dunbartonshire Council, East Renfrewshire Council, Glasgow City Council, Inverclyde Council, North Lanarkshire Council, Renfrewshire Council, SEPA, South Lanarkshire Council, SPT, University of Glasgow, University of Strathclyde and West Dunbartonshire Council.
Find out moreThe Adaptation Scotland programme has supported Climate Ready Clyde by:
- Catalysing the establishment of the partnership, including through the development of the original Climate Ready Clyde vision in 2013
- Developing shared resources and guidance, drawing on the experience of the partnership, including a toolkit for assessing climate risks for built environment projects
- Continuing to collaborate with the partnership to share learning, support delivery and foster innovation. This has included an event on creating climate resilient communities, engagement through the Public Sector Climate Adaptation Network, and joint working on supporting business climate resilience.