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Place-based adaptation

There are a growing number of regional and city-based climate adaptation partnerships across Scotland.
  • Every place is unique, and so are the impacts of climate change on that place, and the actions required to adapt. The challenge of climate change is too big for individual organisations to tackle alone, so we need to adapt together – central and local government, health boards, public bodies, communities, business, third sector, and individuals.


    The Adaptation Scotland programme has helped to initiate and grow partnerships including Climate Ready Clyde, Highland Adapts, and Climate Ready South East Scotland. We continue to work closely with these established initiatives, whilst also catalysing new and emerging partnerships in collaboration with local organisations.

  • As part of the third Scottish National Adaptation Plan (SNAP3), the Scottish Government has committed to expanding regional adaptation partnerships to cover the whole of Scotland by 2029. This approach aims to ensure priorities are decided regionally, adaptation is locally-led, and action takes place at a greater pace and scale. On 25 February 2025, we are holding an event to bring Scotland’s current and prospective regional partnerships together to explore the next steps to make this ambition a reality.


    Join as at the event or find out more about Scotland’s pioneering regional and city-based adaptation partnerships below. If you’re interested in establishing a new collaboration in your area, or want to get involved with existing initiatives, please get in touch.


Regional adaptation partnerships