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Public Sector Climate Adaptation Network gathers for Autumn meeting

27th September, 2024

A group of people sit around tables in a large room.

PSCAN members gather at Edinburgh Climate Change Institute, September 2024. Photography: Andrew Perry.

The Adaptation Scotland programme’s Public Sector Climate Adaptation Network (PSCAN) met at Edinburgh Climate Change Institute on Wednesday 25th September, during Scotland’s Climate Week, for the network’s bi-annual meeting.

The PSCAN is a group of adaptation practitioners representing public sector organisations in Scotland. Since 2019, the network has provided opportunity for knowledge exchange and peer-peer support on climate change adaptation. The Network is part of the Adaptation Scotland programme, which is funded by the Scottish Government and delivered by Scottish charity Verture.

Taking place on the same day as the launch of SNAP3 – Scotland’s National Adaptation Plan – the event reiterated the crucial role of the public sector in responding to climate change impacts, understanding climate risk and vulnerability, and optimising co-benefits of adaptation action.

The agenda included sessions on a range of topics:

  • Updates from the Scottish Government
  • Developing the business case for adaptation
  • Adaptation Capability Framework workshop
  • Climate Adaptation and Health
  • Accessing climate information
Participants gather around a table making notes using post-its.
Adaptation Capability Framework workshop

Over 80 participants took part, online and in-person. The Adaptation Scotland programme team at Verture would like to extend our gratitude to contributors including; Ian Freeman (The Scottish Government), Kit England (Paul Watkiss Associates), Joanna Teuton, Michelle Gillies and Theresa Glasgow (Public Health Scotland) and Victoria Ramsey (Met Office), as well as member organisations who contributed to discussion through the day. Organisations interested in joining the network are invited to express interest by 25th October 2024.